Grievance Mechanism for Human Rights in Supply Chains

for Stakeholders

Empowering affected individuals to raise concerns about human rights and sustainability issues within European supply chains
More information on how to file a report and the related procedures

Grievance Mechanism (Complaint Procedure) for Supply Chain Due Diligence

for Companies

The most advanced grievance management solution; innovative, intuitive, and compliant. Elevate your company's ESG Standards regardless of size!
Learn how you can set-up a fully compliant grievance management system within minutes

    Supply-Chain Grievance & Complaint Mechanism

    Empowering Stakeholders to Report Human Rights or Sustainability Risks and Violations in Supply Chains

    Designed in alignment with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and mandatory human rights due diligence regulations such as the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive and the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act, WhiteBox’s advanced grievance mechanism empowers stakeholders to report human rights risks and provides companies with valuable data on risks and violations across a company’s operations as well as within its extended supply chain.


    For all humans without barriers; available in multiple languages, and easy to use!


    WhiteBox is entirely free to use for Stakeholders and will always remain so!


    Reports can be filed anonymously & the laws protect stakeholders from reprisals!

    What is WhiteBox?

    WhiteBox is an advanced digital solution for grievance reporting and management. It is designed for employees and other stakeholders to report issues anonymously and safely, while simplifying compliance and the management of grievances for businesses.

    In Europe, companies are required to have a grievance mechanism (also called complaints mechanism in various legislations) through which internal and external parties can notify them of human rights or environmental risks or violations within their own operations and supply chains (including those involving all direct and indirect suppliers). In addition, effective grievance procedures provide access to appropriate remediation when needed. If complaints or indications of imminent or actual breaches of duty are received and confirmed, companies must take remedial action to prevent, stop, or at least minimize these grievances. Additionally, companies must implement preventive measures to avoid further violations of the same nature or reduce the risk of recurrence.

    Turnkey compliance with ...

    EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive

    German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act

    United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

    EU Whistleblowing Directive

    for Companies

    What makes a grievance mechanism effective?

    How WhiteBox promotes trust ...

    Establishing and maintaining stakeholder trust is key to an effective grievance mechanisms


    Enabling trust requires not only being accountable for fair processes but also visibly upholding these standards. WhiteBox helps companies keeping informative public policies which can firmly establish legitimacy and in capacity building of qualified personnel who understand the intricacies of grievances, managing conflicts of interest, and maintaining independence.


    WhiteBox ensures that all affected stakeholders are accurately informed about procedural mechanisms and policies. The platform provides automated updates on procedural progress, while enabling companies to offer detailed information to reporters, even if they wish to remain anonymous, through a secure, report-based chat function.


    Effective grievance mechanisms provide channels for stakeholders to voice their concerns without fear of reprisal. This necessitates systems that protect the identity of those raising issues. Our secure and on-demand of the reporter anonymous platform, along with strict data handling policies, ensures that stakeholders remain anonymous.


    Robust confidentiality measures enhance trust and enable stakeholders to report issues or disclose information they might otherwise hesitate to disclose. On WhiteBox, confidentiality is enforced starting with the on-boarding procedure of administrators, and further enabled with features such as anonymisation, data segregation and modular access control.

      Placeholder Image

      Learn more about WhiteBox in our introductory video

      WhiteBox for Companies

      Grievance Procedures: Essential for ESG Due Diligence and Risk Management

      Grievance (or complaint) procedures are a core element of the obligations contained in the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act as well as the upcoming EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, and form an important building block of the risk management system as a whole as well as singular due diligence processes.

      Risk Analysis

      Are an effective method to conduct risk analysis across the supply chain

      Early Warning System

      Serve as an early warning system through which problems are identified before they escalate

      Effectiveness Assessment

      Offer companies the opportunity to obtain feedback on the effectiveness of their risk management and individual due diligence processes


      Digital Grievance Mechanism for Supply Chain Due Diligence

      WhiteBox is the grievance mechanism (complaint mechanism) for supply-chains, enabling companies to efficiently collaborate with direct and indirect suppliers to resolve human rights and sustainability risks

      The most advanced collaborative grievance mechanism solution for supply-chains

      The German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act as well as the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive require companies to implement an accessible and effective grievance mechanism (complaints procedure) along their supply chain
      Implement WhiteBox for seamless compliance with the complaints procedure obligations under the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) and the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (EU CSDDD), all while ensuring the highest standards of business information security and confidentiality, including the protection of sensitive customer and supplier information. Our sophisticated grievance mechanism and tip portal solution not only enhances your risk analysis by enabling direct communication with stakeholders for precise risk identification and early detection, but also acts as a robust tool in safeguarding your organization against fraud.
      Learn more about WhiteBoxThe Grievance Mechanism for Supply Chains

      & more

      Get started
      Frequently Asked Questions
      Common questions about grievances and supply chain due diligence answered